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[Sighting] Norwood, MA.

Guess what crept up on me in my rear view mirror ? I pulled along side him
at the light, we chatted briefly (boy, people really get mad when you block
traffic!). Said he WAS on the list, but I didn't catch his name. Asked him
if he had a 1.8 or 2.0. He had a 1.8, I told him I had the 2.0, he mentioned
something about my turbo muffler, but then we had to go. Not sure why he
didn't pull over to chat, I don't know. Maybe he just wasn't as impressed as
I was to meet up with my own kind (poor, obsessed, slightly disturbed). I
get the impression that people think I'm stalking them sometimes.

"Hey you in the Scirocco! Nice car!"

"Get away from me fellow, I don't want any trouble!"

I'm waiting for someone to throw their wallet at me 8-)

Thought I'd share. Later.


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