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Re: motronic wiring info
Brett Van Sprewenburg wrote:
> >(pin numbers from the motronic box)
> >pin 25 green/blue
> Connects to G1/12 on the fuse box, which seems to be track '1' in the
> fuse box...didn't follow it all over from there.
great, thanks for the info!
track 1 is the tach signal .. won't need it
> >pin 33 green/red
> Ends in a connector, on main current track 70. T2t/1, appears to not
> be connected.
> >pin 31 yellow/red
> Jumps to current track 45, and is noted to go to the automatic trans
> control unit.
i guess i'll leave these 2 unplugged
> >
> >could anyone shed some light as to what they're for (i'm guessing either
> >a/c or automatic trans.)
> >
> >also, pin 2 blue/white goes to the MFA, is this for a speed sensor?
> yes, this is directly noted that it goes to the signal from the
> speedo sensor located in the intrument cluster.
ok, i'll connect it into the plug that was meant for cruise control .. unless
he gets an aftermarket chip right away
> I thought that Paully went Motronic! I've always got to stay a step
> ahead of that guy! :)
ya, he's a little rat... don't reveal ANY plans, he's copying your every move!!
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