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Re: [Tech] Help! - Oil seal failure

That sounds like the most back asswards way of doing it. Jesus Shawn! You 
should know better than that!

Ok take the timing belt off. Remove the lower cover. Place deep well 1/2" 
socket over the bolt behind the intermediate shaft seal carrier (it is a 
13mm bolt but a 1/2" fits more snug). Then using this socket as a locking 
device put your ratchet (with a 19mm on it) over the bolt. Remove the bolt. 
Then slide the sprocket off of the shaft. You will now see 2 13mm bolts 
holding the seal carrier. remove those. then remove the seal carrier. There 
is an o-ring behind it. You will want to replace it. then tap the new seal 
into the seal carrier. place the oring over the portion of the seal carrier 
that goes into the block. This o-ring is usde to create a seal between the 
block and the seal carrier. Now if you have any micro film or even a plastic 
pop bottle with smooth(not ripply) sides; cut the middle out of the bottle. 
Then cut it in a manner that you have a plastic cylinder that is cut down 
the side.Now roll the plastic up and slide it over the end of the 
intermediate shaft. Then slide the seal carrier over the shaft and into the 
block. Remove your plastic thingy.  Just as a note the plastic thing is to 
prevent the seal from rolling over and popping the spring off during 
installation. And put everything back together. You might want to do the 
other seals while you are in there.

>On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 13:36:40 -0000 "Stuart Castledine"
><s.castledine@ntlworld.com> writes:
> >The oil seal on my intermediate shaft has come out, so the cambelt &
> >all the sprockets are covered in oil.
> >
> >I've replaced the cam & crank oil seals before, but never this one.
> >How do I
> >stop the intermediate shaft turning while I undo the nut? Break it
> >loose before I slacken the cam belt?
>You don't.
>you unbolt the seal housing thru the sprocket and remove the entire
>intermediate shaft assy. (don't forget to remove the distributor or it
>wont come out.)
>Sounds like alot more work but there is a thin 0-ring behind the housing
>that probably needs replacing. Once you have th4e shaft out you can vice
>up the shaft and remove the  timming gear. The shaft housing comes off
>and you can replace the seal which is set into the housing.
>Shawn Meze
>86' Jetta GLi 8V       84' Scirocco 8V           88' Corvette "SS"
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