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Re: 16V vs 8V motor mount Q's
In a message dated 2/14/01 10:54:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,
rapieper@yahoo.com writes:
2 questions, your help appreciated, car in question is
an '87 16V:
-Is the passenger side engine mount the same as the
tranny side? My parts guy thinks so, according to his
books. ETKA says quantity 1 for the PL engine, for
the known-different pass. side mount...leading me to
assume that the tranny side is the same as the
8V...(and therefore different than the 16V pass
side)...please confirm.
I beleive the passenger side mount is a bit different (or was originall, the
8v one could have been superceeded) due to the weight of the 16v.
-Is the passenger side mount bracket the same for 16V
and 8V? They sure looked different on ETKA. Bentley
was no help. I hope so, because I just procured and
8V mount, got it stripped and sandblasted, ready for
the new mount...but will it work?
They've always looked the same to me.
http://www.geocities.com/vwmikel - trust me, a replacement is on the way!
'84-Arkay Turbo Rabbit GTI
'84-Rabbit GTI - future DCI drag car
'77-Rabbit - project
'80-Scirocco S - (um... to be:1.9L crossflow, turbo, 6 speed, widebody?)