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Re: Alignment Issues
On Sun, 11 Feb 2001 10:47:03 EST Captnbr@aol.com writes:
>Last week I did that rear tranny mount repair thing and I had the car up
>one jackstand on the right side of the car for a couple days. Now it
>like my alignment is off and my car is pulling to the right. Do you
>this could have knocked my car out of alignment? Thanks
Sounds like you might have gained camber in the RF. Camber changes toe
settings. (Which is why you set the camber first, then the toe.) The
camber changed probably from the camber bolts being loose enough to move.
That sucks. The only resolve now is to have the alignment set. (do it
yourself or take it to a shop.)
The tranny mount work has nothing to do with the alignment. You could put
the engine/tranny in backwards and the alignment wouldn't be effected. Id
suspect the car sitting on the right side for a couple days is the
probable cause.
Shawn Meze
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