Hi list-members,
because there are so many people interested in scirocco parts I have to say
now who will get the parts because I do not have so many parts as required. This
is not easy for me. Because of this I had an idea to solve the problem!
If someone wants some parts of the parts I have to sell (I will try to get
more parts!) he/she should send me an eMail to Patrick_Schiller@t-online.de and
should tell me then how much he/she wants to pay for these parts. The biggest
price will win!! Happy bidding!
These parts are available now:
- white rearlights
- black rearlights
- headlights with turnsignals
- foglightswitch
- bumpers
- frontbumper with headlight-cleaning-system
- frontgrill Kamei 3-slat
- frontgrill Zender 5-slat
- rearspoiler Zender
- rearspoiler GT
All parts are in a good condition and I can send pictures soon if
Regards Patrick