It seems there's tons of oil coming out of the
valve cover breather into my airbox, gooped onto the air filter, coating
the entire inner surface of everything AFTER the air filter
I spent an hour cleaning crud out of
everywhere. Any one else have this?
ps. I tried the VW Dealer's Carbon remover,
Injector Cleaner and Intake cleaner spray. It worked quite
well. I can feel the engine is producing more power now.
It's the "Forte" stuff that comes in a kit with all
3 noxious chemicals. I'll probably treat my car to that gunk every now and
then. I think I paid about 30-40 bucks CDN for it. Which seems a
little steep, but when you consider it really works --- it's probably worth the
extra bones. Oh, and they recommend changing the oil after you do the
treatments -- most likely because some of that crap probably breaks the
oil down.