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Re: Bent Valve, Too High Revs!!
On Mon, 24 Dec 2001, Paul Maione wrote:
> i think the only alternative is to shell out the big coin
> and get the Schricks. Kent makes some too i think,
> but i don't know anything about them...
I was thinking (dangerous) as for valve spring options...
* dual coil stock early a3 springs, they should fit as 16v and 8v lifters
are the same part, and they are stock VW, are they any better?
* audi springs? audi has made many hi-po cars, and with the
interchangeability between audi and VW i'd bet there is a stock audi part
taht would be far and away beter than the stock 16v? (how about their 5
cyl 20v turbo, it comes with a VW 16v head with one extra cylinder worth
tacked on)
* Aircooled VW springs, now, this is just a guess, but a lot of stuff
between rabbits and aircooleds crosses over, anyone know if the dimensions
of aircooled VW springs are similar to that of watercooled springs, those
can be had in high quality and relatively inexpensively...
take care,
Fashion Twins, activate! form of: a lemming.
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