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Re: one less scirocco (or: in the hunt for an '85 black graphic metallic)
--- "Foxx (in a box)" <foxxinabox@copper.net> wrote:
after we left there we went on
> what was to be the
> last two hunder yards of my '85's life. whilst coming up
> to an
> intersection (having a green light, mind you) the jeep
> cherokee coming
> the other way decided to turn left in front of my. ended
> up hitting her
> (yes, HER!!!) right between the wheels.
Fucking bitches in SUVs. I just wonder when my number is
gonna be up. Scares me. I mean, it's scary how fast these
cars are disappearing from the streets because of shit like
this. I'm glad to hear that nobody got hurt though. I
take it Maria was with you?
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80, '85, & '88 Sciroccos
'82 Pickup
'90 Passat Wagon
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