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Re: 2.0L 8v Questions
Hey. A suggestion:
Search around in local wrecking yards for a low to mid
mile 2.0L engine from an A3 golf or jetta. You can
slap on your JH engine's head or better yet, an RD
head with hydraulic lifters. This second option will
allow the use of an 85-89 golf GTI 8v knock sensing
ignition system. You can easily switch the guts from
the RD distributor into the ABA engine's distributor
to run the knock sensing ignition. bolt on all your
scirocco accessories, and A) use the Techtonics
tallblock dual downpipe or B)have an exhaust manifold
spacer made up and use longer studs to make up for the
taller block. I wouldn't bother with any rebuilding if
you can find an engine with less than 100k miles. Jam
in a good sport cam, a couple degrees advance cam
timing and cool air induction (super, SUPER important)
and you'll have a considerably powerful car. Next,
have the ABA head ported, have a machine fit it out
for CIS injectors, and slam that badboy in you car.
It's been said that an ABA head will outflow a
decently ported JH/RD head. Good Luck!
Dr. Dubsalot
--- Robbie MacDonald <scirocco8valve@yahoo.com> wrote:
> i have been thinking of upgrading my engine to 2.0l
> how much would i be looking to spend on a 2.0 bottom
> end with parts for rebuild? Does anyone have or
> know
> of one for sale? TIA
> -Robbie
> =====
> Robbie MacDonald
> robbiemacdonald@hotmail.com
> scirocco8valve@yahoo.com
> Seattle, WA USA
> '85 8v scirocco
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