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RE: Black Boc
At 01:21 PM 12/13/01 -0700, Josh Hignight wrote:
>Well that's the thing. It's an 85 with a 16v swapped into it. Since I didn't
>have a garage, or ANYWHERE to do the swap myself, I had a local VW shop do
>it. I just want to be sure it's a 16v box. Is the rev limiter in the box or
>somewhere else. Cause mine jumps in at 7200 or so (still running the 8v
>tach, so I'm not exactly sure).
>Joshua Hignight
>Student Services/Technical Services
>New Mexico Campus
>(505) 821-4800
I could be wrong here, but isn't the redline (RPM cutoff) about 6200? If
you are
going higher then I would guess you have the box for the 16V. Best bet would
be to get the part # off it and check it in ETKA.
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