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Re: poor drivers/construction (long)
Is there really any such thing as a US city known for good driving? I would
say hell no for one simple reason - our driver training SUCKS. For those of
you who have driven in Germany, you know exactly what I mean. I'm not
claiming Germany to be a perfect driving environment, but it's probably the
best you'll ever find.
Being military I've been around to many areas of the US and everywhere you
go, driving is a frustrating experience when there is traffic around. Out
of all the US areas, Irvine CA was the most tolerable because at least they
don't drive slow as hell there. So far the worst area that I've seen for
driving is Utah.
In the US, Point A to Point B is all that matters to most drivers.
>From: "Calimus" <calimus@techography.net>
>To: "Scirocco-l" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Subject: poor drivers/construction (long)
>Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 01:28:07 -0500
>Being that I live about 1 hour from Atlanta Ga, I can tell you that we have
>some of the worst drivers in the country and some of the worst contruction
>as well. An if you think you have bad drivers where you live, just ask
>where they are originaly from, bet the answer Ga.
>On numorus occasions I've had everything from a geo metro to a Full blown
>semi whip out in front of me. Today alone I had a older chevy pickup cut
>off while I was in the fast lane. At the time I was doing about 85mph (yes
>I was speeding, but in I-75 @ 6pm if you arn't doing 80+ you get run over)
>and the truck just moved over in front of me with only a car length and a
>half to spare. A qucik down shift, foot to the breaks and a liberal
>applying of the horn button just to make sure he knew I was there. What
>I get for this, the all american universal hand gesture for "how ya doin".
>Ok, so it's not that nice, but you get the point. However, even when I'm
>not speeding I see ppl crossing 3 lanes and sometimes 4 lanes of traffic at
>the last moment to hit an exit ramp. Near misses are daily occurances.
> As for construction, well, lets just say that Atlanta has been under
>construction since the civil war and it truely shows. They fix pot-holes
>here with metal plates (and no this isn't covered by road hazzard for your
>tires) with sharp corners. Sometimes they just toss some loose gravel in
>the holes. Nothing worse the an 18 wheeler chucking a rock outta the hole
>while doing 70+. Road rage is also at a premium here, nothing is forgiven.
>This is why I live about 50 miles north in a nice quiet area where tree's
>still exist.
>William Snyder
>88 Scirocco 16v
>89 Cabriolet 8v
>71 Karmann Ghia
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Monster" <monster@aros.net>
>To: "Josh Hignight" <Josh.Hignight@phoenix.edu>
>Cc: "scirocco list" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:50 AM
>Subject: Re: My Scirocco is essentially trashed.
> > Just have to add my $0.02...
> > ALB DOES have bad drivers, I agree, and I've heard the Big I project is
> > real mess. I remember when they were doing construction and I had to
> > into ALB off Coal and turn on Carlisle. And being in a huge bus it wasnt
> > easy! (Grayhound) I feel your pain.
> > Salt Lake City has their moments too. There for a while from 300 S to
> > S (they use numbers here not street names) if you were on I-15 you
> > turn off any exit. You either went through town or you had to wait
> > 7200 S and turn off, then they had it so anything after 7200 to 160th
> > closed. Sucked trying to get around.
> > The drivers didnt make driving any metter. Back to ALB, thats the ONLY
> > that I've EVER had a little geo metro pull out in front of a huge bus
> > 40 mph then slam on his brakes. Scare the bejesus out of me! Almost
> > GLI enima! Man I cussed her out GOOD!
> > As far as dents. this bitch over on the side of my townhouse has an old
> > dented beat up Masda 626 and she insists on parking next to the scirocco
> > when it's sitting outside. I now have 12 dents. One of them I saw her
> > and I asked her what the hell she thought she was doing, and if she had
> > respect for other peoples property. She shrugged her shoulders and said
> > well you can get it fixed" walked into her place and shut the door.
> > wish I would have thought to do something to her car.... but glad I
> > Ok lets hear from some other people.. how bad are the drivers where they
> > live.. construction and stuff. :)
> > -=John=-
> >
> >
> > --
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