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Re: water hoses
--- Calimus <calimus@techography.net> wrote:
> I've recently discovered that I have a leak in one
> of my water hoses. The
> one that comes from the bottom of the stock oil
> cooler to be exact. I've
> attempted to locate a new one but haven't had much
> luck in my local area.
> Last place I want to check the the stealership since
> the closest one is Jim
> Ellis so I figured that I would turn to the list.
> Who carries these and what should I expect to pay
> for it? I'd actually like
> to replace as many of the hoses as I can since I
> have no idea how old they
> are. I know the top radiator hose is supposed to be
> expsensive but could I
> also get estimated figures on that?
> Thanks,
> William Snyder
> 88 scirocoo 16v
> 89 cabriolet 8v
> 71 Ghia (coolent hoses need not apply)
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Mark Peele
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