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Re: Window Seals.
> Ok I am going to try to explane about my experience with these seals. I have
> never taken out any windows on a MK2. I have taken all the windows out of an
> MK1. It goes much easier if there are two people. When we did it, one person
> maintained a steady outward pressure on the glass. That leaves the other
> person free to fold down the seal on the inside. start in a corner and work
> down to the nest corner. It takes some time and patience but it can be done.
> Putting it back in is a bit harder than taking it out. Helps alot if oyu
> have a spray bottle with soapy water in it to keep the seal lubricated,
> helps to fold the lip back into the car. goodluck, hope I have been of some
> assistance.
since i apparently missed the first half of this post, i'm not sure of
the seal(s) in question. however, since i've taken the windows out of
only mk2 sciroccos, my experience is thus: rear quarters are not hard.
just have someone on the outside to catch the window. windshield is hit
or miss. either it'll come out no problem (happened once) or the
windshield will end up a thousand pieces (happened the other time).
neither time was the seal hurt. as for the hatch glass...don't know.
i've been told it's just easier to uy a matching colour hatch. as for
putting it back in, soapy water is nice, as well as some strong cord.
and there is a sealant available as well, iirc.
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