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Re: 77 Rabbit vs 92 Acura Legend V6 Coupe [childhood racing memories]
At 11:31 PM 8/21/2001 , T Berk wrote:
>Yep, got a son ten and a half now. I remember my Dad riding a whole
>back seat full of us kids going around
>turns at speed in the twisty hills, no seat belts, vinyl bench seat,
>great fun. French made Citreon wagon too. Beat that.
Me, 12 years old, in the back seat of a Peugeot 505 STX V6 with my best
friend and my sister on the way to the NY Auto Show, Easter Sunday. Both
parents in the front, Midtown Manhattan. The smell of french leather...
uh... oh, sorry, wrong story. Anyway, what resulted was a
race-to-the-death between us and the Cabby next to us whose lane was ending
in a couple hundred feet. The result? The cars were the same fucking
speed, but my Dad's balls were bigger apparently. And those Caprices sure
to have a lot of suspension dive under full braking... But I cherished the
smell of burning rubber. :)
Same deal with the Momster. I have many memories of her trying to bury the
needle in our '81 Saab 900 Turbo on the Saw Mill Parkway. (Speed limit 50,
which is *way* too high because of the insane curves, Speedometer buried at
85). Racing her friend Maria at red lights in town if they were lucky
enough to meet up by chance at the same place.
But the best was in Germany, where my mom had an Opel Kadett GSi
Cabrio. The GSi was like a 16v -- anyone under the age of 25
wanted to race you, guaranteed. She got so sick of racing people (and
winning; she never lost) that she decided it would be funny to dump it in
reverse when the light turned green. She used to laugh her ass off when
the "kid" in the car next to her would invariably almost crash looking for
her in the rear view mirrors.
And then there was that time at like 2am where (in the Peugeot) she raced a
Porsche 968 all the way from Manhattan to Westchester on the Henry
Hudson.... and somehow (despite a serious HP and top speed deficit) always
beat him to the next toll booth.
Now you know where I get it from..........
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