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RE: head problem?
if the head is warped, get another one.. cheapest fix I know.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org
[mailto:owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Justin Tomlinson
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 5:42 PM
To: Vat o'Knowledge
Okay, so my car died while my brother was driving it from Jacksonville, FL
to Clearwater....it died about 15 minutes from Clearwater on the Courtney
Cambell Causeway (a really bad place to break down)...we towed it to my
mechanics....and the verdict came in today: he believes the head is
warped...he hasn't looked yet at it, but he believes that's what is wrong
from his experience... so i guess i need a new engine. I was wondering if
anyone could maybe source a 2.0 16v...nearby hopefully...or another 1.8
even...i'm also open to any other suggestions...cos i'm gonna go through
withdrawal soon, been 4 days since i've driven a scirocco...:/
88 16v Scirocco (Neubautenwagen) ---- Dead
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- References:
- No Subject
- From: "Justin Tomlinson" <unklebob@fatchicksinpartyhats.com>