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Re: cops in corvettes, md watch out AND VA
To all my Richmond, VA brethren, there is a nasty Cop Camaro that races up
and down 64 in the Westend and will ream you.....
> so i am driving downt he road in my 76.5 FI super scirocco 2.0L car since
> just got new rubber for her paws and she is home. SO the story begins
> as i am on teh beltway cruisign at about 85-90 mph around 695 headed
> the exit ramp for 795 ; it is a sweeping right turn aroufd the beltway at
> this point; i down shift into 4th punch it to get over and aroudn a
> trailer and nail the gas picking up speed, 100mph says the speedo and she
> holding nice, lots of noises from hre but when you have no carpet ad have
> stiff suspensionthat is what you get, i check my rear view mirror at this
> point to see traffic behind me as i slow down to a safer speed; about 80
> so i see two cars noticeably catchig up to me, one is a red sunfire which
> do start laughing at cause i know he cant follow me aroudn in that thing
> the other is a red corvettee, as i hit the exit ramp at a much high rate
> speed hoping to catch the red light and seee some action, i notice that
> red corvette is right bhind me, i i take it easy wiht my very loud and old
> car taking off the line and then Bam! gas, take off move fromt eh left
> 4 lanes over to the right lane and this dude is still on me like glue, i
> aroudn the first corner which is at a light and notice one attena on teh
> roof no biggie, it is only when i see the light on the dash board tha
> tworries, cant tell the color of the dash light cause i am payign more
> attention to the road ahead of me, he pulls next to me and i back off,
> i know he coudl smoke me if he wanted but i was still up for a race, i
> gassed it twice just to see if i coudl get a esponse, he hit it once and
> moved in postiobt to take the lead on this 2 lane road, as he accelerated
> ahead of me i notice byt hte head rest he has a set of lights by each,
> red/blue red /blue fuck the cops, i drift back to lef thim over wiht a
> polite wave, he acknolwdged hit the gas and led the way, laughing, as he
> pulled away oi looked into the side mirrio and coudl see his smile as he
> my jaw hit the floor ,
> damn cops in red corvettes....
> jonas
> --
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