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Re: Fwd: Hotel Reservations
George - what does this mean? Is the Marriott already "out" of rooms, other
than Michelle making a call for you and getting you in on the group deal?
ND's site says we have till later this month to get in on the group rate. If
something has changed, we need to know as I know for a fact that a LOT of
listers planning to attend haven't made their reservations yet.
Michelle - last year Tim corresponded directly to the list with info and
updates about the show as things developed. It would be great if one of
you could do that again this year.. we are going to be about 50 strong
this year, we can use all the breaking info you might have to offer.
george curl wrote:
> Note: forwarded message attached.
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Hotel Reservations
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 12:10:29 -0500
> From: "Michelle" <mmk2@home.com>
> To: gcurl4866@yahoo.com
> CC: Tim at ND <turbotim@newdimensions.com>
> Hi George,
> Thanks for the call today. I did speak the hotel manager for the
> event and I was able to book you a room for both nights (Friday and
> Saturday with a Sunday departure) at the block rate. We also
> extended the block 5 more rooms for Saturday night in case you
> know of anyone else who needs a room that night. The hotel will be
> either emailing or snail mailing the confirmation to you directly.
> Please let me know if you need anything else or if I can be of
> further assistance to you! Have a great day and a safe trip out to
> the show!
> Michelle Krajewski
> New Dimensions
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