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Re: twisting the knife (was: Re: rocs in the fog 2000!)
--- Jim Jarrett <jarrett@kodak.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 07:20:58 -0700 (PDT) Daun Yeagley
> <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote
> >Ok... now twist the knife COUNTER-clockwise. Sheesh.
> >
> >All three of my Sciroccos run and drive. Who knows what
> >I'll have at the time Cincy rolls around. :)
> >
> Define "run." Define "drive."
> Hm. Last time I was there, I seem to remember a certain
> '80 S that
> moved about an inch.
Unstuck the brakes, drove it. Granted it's got a miss that
I have been unsuccessful at finding the cause of - would
like to tackle that this weekend. I've hardly driven it
since Waterfest because of it.
Aren't pieces of the '85 in the
> '80, or was it
> Meredith's car?
Ummm??? So the under-dash cover of the '85 is layin' in
the back seat... it's been there for a couple months. I
drive it almost every day. You're thinkin' the grille to
Meredith's winter car...
And who's been whining about cold start
> issues in a
> certain '88 Scala? Hm? Hm?
Cleaned the idle stabilizer and she's purred like a kitten
Daun Yeagley
'80 Scirocco S,
'82 Pickup
'85 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v
"Never joke, taunt or dangle what might be seen as a challenge in front of the powers that be. The universe is listening." -Lane Wallace.
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