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Re: Sciroccos suck!

One night after work, I slammed a 2.0L 16v into my car (pulled motor and
trans, swapped trans, and all applicable parts) and drove home that same
night in my new 2.0L 16v Rabbit!!  My clothes were dirty though and I was
listenning to 107.7 The End instead of watching South Park, but still,
pretty good time!!  The other day I timed myself on replacing a timing belt,
tensioner, cap, rotor, plugs, plug wires, air filter, fuel filter, set tune
specs (timing, idle, CO, etc.) and used the scanner to check/reset codes and
did it all in 53 minutes on a 96 Jetta with a 2.0L 8v (those plug wires are
a pain!!).  Pretty cool when it pays over 4.5 hours and I get paid over $20
an hour on billed out hours!!  Wish it was like that the whole day everyday
then I'd be making almost $100 an hour!!  Thanks for letting me brag!!  Got
some good heater core times too!!!  Hey, better than Scirocco Sighting posts
don't you think?


> Btw - I can now remove and repack rear wheel bearings,
> eat lunch and watch last nights taped SouthPark
> episode all on my lunch hour, and in my work clothes
> without getting them greasy.
> I am just getting too damn good at working on this
> car.. repetition is the key ;)
> Mark
> --- DNK006@aol.com wrote:
> > Yeah they do!  They are so slow. My honda could
> > whoop some....
> >
> > Honda?  No way!
> >
> > Maybe this Scirocco-sucks thread could be the last.
> >
> > I like my car(s) and so do the rest of you.  I don't
> > care if my Cousins Nova
> > can rip my car a new one...  Oops, forgot, that one
> > got wrecked 'cause it
> > couldn't handle it's own!
> >
> > Ben
> > 86 8v
> > 84 8v
> >
> > --
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> > majordomo@scirocco.org
> >
> =====
> Mark
> Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that anyone wants to hear
> 87 Westfalia Gl
> 84 Scirocco 8v
> http://student.fortlewis.edu/~mwmages/
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Email problems to: scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org  To unsubscibe send
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