Look at the other cars I might buy....
Boy oh boy, Julie, you picked a vehicle which is just about perfect for you. Congratulations! For example, when compared to other people who own a Volkswagen Scirocco, you're just about the same in terms of your educational level, your tolerance for taking risks, and your grasp of reality.
But there are some psychographic and/or demographic measures on which you differ from other Volkswagen Scirocco owners. For example, you're a bit too old to be driving this vehicle, and you care a bit too much about your car compared to other Volkswagen Scirocco owners.
Despite the fact that your personality profile pretty much matches that of Volkswagen Scirocco owners, Car-O-Scope would like to suggest some alternative vehicles--should you be thinking of making a change.
Note: some of these suggestions might surprise you. But try to keep an open mind. It's quite possible that the car-o-scope has discovered some hidden and/or repressed aspects of your personality.
Julie Macfarlane![]()
1. Peugeot 505 2. Isuzu Trooper II 3. Saab 9000CD 4. Dodge Colt Vista 5. BMW 528