same thing @ my school. i'm 17 also... and
everybody that tries to race me with their civics or cameros can't believe that
i kicked their ass's with my 16v rocco. i can honestly say that the only
car in the parking lot that has beaten me was a porche 944. it was such a
sweet car, then the kid sold it far a 96 celica... then i kicked his ass.
he was soo pissed that he got rid of the 944. i go to a small school where
most of the people drive either MAJOR pieces of shit, or pretty clean
cars. the other day this new kid comes up to me and asks me if i want to
race. come to ifnd out that he has a 99 prelude, so i was kinda
intimidated witht the whole vtec BS. well i got him out on some back roads
and he barely kept up with me, and then got into town stopped at the lights, and
off the line i got rubber in 1st and 2nd and all he got was a 1st gear
chirp. we got back to the school and he was like "holy good shit!
what does that have under the hood??" and he was very dissapointed to find
out that it was only a 1.8l 16v motor. but the next day i come out after
school to find my hood all scratched to shit! then come to find out it was
this kids (prelude owner's) best friend that did it. i wonder if this is a