| Passed my bi-annual smog test yesterday. YESSSSSSS!
Wow--I'm happy for you, but I'm glad I don't have to pass your state's specs. I just failed, again. Time for more tweakage:
Idle HC limit 300, measured 877. Idle CO% limit 2.5, measured 0.11
This I think is the result of an over-correction in the last adjustment, when considering the numbers from the test prior to this:
Idle HC measured 217 Idle CO% measured 7.37
Now, someone was telling me dirty injectors could be a culprit, (though I think more "dialing in" should be tried first) suggesting I remove and clean them. A check in the book tells me they can't be cleaned--just replaced. Is this true? I'm new at this emission-passing rigmarole. If anyone has any advice, I'd love some input!
Tagless in Portland, OR--
Jennifer '79 Scirocco
| Idle HC limit is 220, measured 52. | Idle CO% limit is 2.00, measured 1.71. A little too close for comfort. Have | to do a little more dialing-in next time. | | -Dick- | 78 Scirocco | Original Owner