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Re: 4K or AGB?
Some factors I should've mentioned in my original post. The car is mainly
going to be an around town daily driver and autocross car. It'll see very
little highway usage. I was going to use a taller 5th for those occasions
when I to have to hit the interstate. Also, I thought I implied this, but
the 1.8 16V from the GTI is also being transplanted into the Scirocco. I've
got a TT race downpipe, no cat, and 2.25" to a Magnaflow. If I can hear the
transmission over the exhaust, I'll be surprised. My plan was also the have
the 4K rebuilt with 100mm flanges so I can use a Velocity kit without fear.
The problem with the 4K I have is that the flanges won't tun by hand with
the tranny out of the car. What would cause this, and is it repairable.
Ben R
Membership Coordinator
Volksport GTI and Watercool Volkswagen Club
"We support your VW Performance Addiction."
----- Original Message -----
From: Victor Farren <vfarren@smtp.cdie.org>
To: <bgr13@earthlink.net>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: 4K or AGB?
> I would keep the AGB and put that in. I believe the 16v tranny is
sturdier than than the 4k. I know it is quieter. I had a 4k in my 8v and
now I have a 16v w/ the AGB. I like it. Keep it. The thing to consider is
that the AGB takes 100 mm CV joints while the 4k takes 90mm CV joints. If
you were going to put this in your 79, it has the 90 mm. You would either
need to make a frankenstein shaft w/ 100mm on inside and 90mm on outside, or
you would need to do some work to where the CV joint mates up with the
wheel. Sorry for lack of tehcnical terms, but its first thing in the
morning and I can't think too well.
> There was a reent discussion on the list about doing that. Below is one
of the threads. You might want to contac these people.
> Victor
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 02:48:41 EST BFDEIHL@aol.com writes:
> > I have done this swap. (90 to 100mm). I ended up using later model
> > Cabriolet hub carriers due to the interference problem with the larger
> > shoulder of the 100mm CV. The 1981 hub carriers I had would not permit
> the > use of the larger joint without locking up. It just wouldn't work.
> Like I said before, it did the same thing on my '83 GTI and as you
> tighten the axle nut, it starts to bind right between the CV joint and
> the housing.
> Btw, on your hub carriers, the passenger side is from an '85 Scirocco and
> the driver's side is from an '87 16V Scirocco. 8^)
> > Later, I read the Bentley manual for the 85-93 A1s (Cabriolet and
> > Scirocco), and lo and behold, there on Page 10-13, is a reference to
> the
> > increased shoulder diameter of the later CVs causing interference
> problems.
> Excerpt from '85-93 A1 Bentley:
> Revised late model CV joint. On the 1985-1987 models the dimension a is
> 50 mm. On 1988 and later models and on replacement CV joints, dimmension
> a is 53 mm.
> Btw, "a" is the dimmension on the CV, that will interfere with the pre
> '85 wheel bearing housing/hub carrier.
> > According to Bentley, the newer CV requires a new design retainer
> > YOU MAY BE RIGHT about the hub carriers being the same (I really
> > never checked part numbers), but the CIRCLIP is certainly different,
> and
> > may be all that is needed for clearance.
> No...
> > As I didn't TRY just the circlip swap, I wouldn't swear that just
> > swapping to the later model circlip is all that is needed for
> clearance. I do
> > know that swapping out the entire carrier worked...
> The circlip swap only applies to '85-87 Sciroccos and Cabriolets.
> The '85 and up, wheel bearing housings/hub carriers are physically
> larger, than the '79-84 1/2, and you can actually see the difference.
> According to Volkswagen they are different for '85, the left side is 171
> 407 255B and the right side is 171 407 256B, and they are only $351 each.
> Peter
> '79 Scirocco 16V project car, 100mm/53mm
> '80 Scirocco, 90mm/?mm
> '88 Scirocco 16V, 0mm/0mm
> '83 GTI, daily driver, 100mm/53mm
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