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Re: ixnay on da hombre
okok calm down, i talk to jonas a lot via personal e-mail,
and a lot of people are all good friends on the list, and
i think he can handle himself, we all know hes got the
right attitude to take it tongue in cheek, which makes it
all in jest. and he IS able to control it, please, dont
anyone get worked up over it. I'm sure those people who
are truely offended by his posts (they need to take ebonics 101)
can choose to just not read them. I read them just fine
because he types just like I do, I just happen to have
the luxury of having time of going over my e-mail about 2
times correcting all my spelling mistakes. I mean if you
know what I mean look at how he spelled Volkswagen, it only
had 2 errors out of 10 letters, he missed one letter and fat
fingered the o and i , I could read it just fine, as could any
one with half a brain.
man i think we all owe jonas a beer, then lets see how he types really plastered,
that would be like, so cool!
scirocco content..damnit someone answer my wiring questions, heh
ya worthless buncha louts! I was gonna wax everyones car at the ND show ..but
now fuhgettabouddit! :P
>> oh my godnes itr affetcing us al. mayeb we shoudl stok
>> up on dekodre rengs? Augh I haev Jonas sindrom!
>> ..all in good fun
>****I am not trying to play the moral man, but I will say it is not that funny
or in
>good fun to poke fun when the pokee is unable to control what he is being poked
>I understand where Jonas is coming from because I have the same problem, I
>religiously take a lot of time to proof read and correct, so you guys don't
>Like I said I am not trying to get on anyone's back, I am just voicing my opinion
>what is humorous and what is repetitive cruelty.
>Please do not take offense to this. It is only an opinion,
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