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Re: ixnay on da hombre
> I understand where Jonas is coming from because I have the same problem, I just
> religiously take a lot of time to proof read and correct, so you guys don't notice.
> Like I said I am not trying to get on anyone's back, I am just voicing my opinion of
> what is humorous and what is repetitive cruelty.
to be quite honest, i think the reason that most of us don't
understand jonas is because he is a touch-type while many of the rest of
us have to look at the keys to make sure of what we're keying in.
scirocco info: saw an immaculate '86 mars red 8v last night. fender
mounted antenna and some interesting black and silver stripes below the
trim piece on the side.
/\_/\ Foxx (in a box)
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