Greetings, listers.
My rocc won't start. Grr. Here's what's happened so
Tested coil and module. Coil was fine, module
tested bad. Replaced module (5 year warranties rule), got spark (real good spark
too, I zapped myself. Oops.) Still nothing. Spark is going to all 4 cylinders,
so the timing belt's ok. Talked to a mechanic yesterday, he said to unplug the
cold start thingy and see what happened. I did this after work today, it fired,
turned a couple revs, and quit. I plugged it back in and it STARTED!?!?!
Needless to say, there was some rejoicing, then cursing(Don't leave your toolkit
on a rough running engine). After picking up my tools, I tried starting it
again. I cranked it a few times and it started AGAIN!!! It ran rough till about
2000 rpms, then smoothed out. OK, this is kewl, just needs to run, I thought. I
took my foot off the gas, it stalled immediately. I cranked it again, it started
again, and still wouldn't idle. Then, it stalled again, and will not start. It
turns over, but will not fire. WTF???
Bashing my head on my desk and cursing my
86 8v (I hope it runs before sunroof
season starts)
89 S10 (Ol' Faithful)