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RE: Oversteer?
I tend to get a lot of oversteer when I'm coming in to work. I have lots of
turns in quick succession as I complete the last 1/10 mile or so and fly
into my parking spot, and in order to get slowed down enough that I don't go
through the fence and into the side of our air compressor shed, I have to
get on the brakes for the last 2-3 turns. My tires suck, my struts are
probably original to the car (125k+ miles), I have no suspension upgrades of
any kind, and I tend to skate all over. It's the coolest part of my drive,
and I still have good control, so I don't get too worried about it.
'84 Scirocco - Woo-hoo!
'70 Bug - hibernating
'87 Nissan truck - Soon to be for sale
'87 Jeep Cherokee 4.0
> > I thought oversteer was a thing for mid-engine Porsches and
> such! I took
> a
> > corner a little quick tonight, on wet pavement, and instead
> of the front
> > loosing grip the back did! Very violent!!! I had to
> corect for massive
> > oversteer. I have okay struts, Yokohama 13 tires, basically a stock
> setup.
> > This has never happend to me before, was very unexpected,
> and makes me
> > wonder, what the hell happened? BTW, this was on smooth
> new asphalt.
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