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Re: autotech power module
I've been using the autotech p-module now for about 6
years, it works great. Everyone is correct when they say
it's nothing spectacular component wise. It just dumps
more fuel in at full throttle plain and simple. you
CANT safely do that by messing with the stock bosch setup.
I was running nothing more than that p-module and a K&N
drop in air filter and registered a REAL +11 hp on a dyno
over stock hp figures. Go see my dyno charts yourself.
(the RIP red rocco).
Sure now there are others that may be better and cheaper but
back when it was the only thing..and still up to today it
provides me that extra kick at high rpms..
your results may vary, but for me it's proven itself to be
one of the best bangs for the buck, besides nitrous.
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 03:21:16 -0500From: Eric L Ellis <elf16v@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Autotech KE-Jetronic power module
PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! Don't blow it on these gadgets that
promise outrageous hp gains and don't deliver. Your money will serve you
better by investing in the Robert Bentley, BOSCH fuel injection and
engine management.- -EricGood, bad....I'm the guy with the gun!
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