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Re: NON-ROC Canadian Rabbits
Our Sciroccos, along with any other VWs that came out of the Karmann
factory, have a bit of a reputation as 'turds', relatively speaking, when
compared against VW built cars, like the euro Golf II.
According to ETKA, Westmoreland manufacturing was 1979-1989. There are now
22 factories in the VAG group worldwide.
Ewan Hopkins.
>From: "Marie Laugesen" <marie@blaze.ca>
>To: "Kevin Collins" <kevinc@flashcom.net>, <aaron@makuta.com>
>CC: "'scirocco'" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Subject: Re: NON-ROC Canadian Rabbits
>Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 07:53:46 -0800
> >Not soon enough AFAIK.. I owned 2 turds that rolled out of that dump.
> >
>My buddy I work with had a demo-turd from Westmoreland because he worked
>a VW dealer at the time. Biggest piece of shit he ever owned, he said. :)
> >Lots of Golfs built there.. I think the last ones rolled off the line
> >in '89.. maybe '88.. somebody will know. My '85 GTI "COTY" (complete
> >sticker in rear window) was my second Westmoreland turd, after my '83
> >Loved both cars, but they had SERIOUS build and QC problems!
>My buddy also had one of those GTI "COTY" turds as well. Still has it as a
>matter of fact. He's had it since new, he's babied it and it STILL has
>all over it. Dash is falling apart too. REall good QC there, WEstmoreland.
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