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Re: (not really roc) BBS Wheel Refinishing


If you have access to a compressor and a spray gun you
can do a decent job refinishing them.  Just scuff them
up.  Prime them and paint them.  Using a clear coat is
the key to getting to look nice.  I did this with a
set of corrado wheels.  I painted them an anthrecite
(charcoal grey) and they look great.  They have held
up well.  A few chips from removing the center caps
(partly my fault- I didn't use primer and it was 50
deg out when I painted them.)  I used good quaity
paint-spies and hecker.   All of it can be done in a
saturday with plenty of beer drinking time left.


--- Kareem E Baddour <6keb1@qlink.queensu.ca> wrote:
> Need the list's wisdom here.. A local rice-boy
> is selling a decent straight pair of BBS RA rims,
> but 
> they have that god-awful Gold-finished centre (IMO).
> They're a good price, so I'm wondering if I can
> have them tastefully refinished in silver clearcoat?
> could I expect a decent finish from an average wheel
> refinishing shop (read: local shop)? Thanks,
> Kareem
> '81 Scirocco S (begging for BBS rims)
> '88 Scirocco 16v (not as demanding)
> --
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