I work at a body shop in florida and there
is a to take just the clear coat off if you want to just shoot another coat
of clear on top again. But we only do that on new cars with really good
paint underneath, so in your case it could work but it would probably be best to
repaint the whole car.
How to remove the clear coat:
-Use very fine grit sanding paper like 600 grit and
wet sand the entire car.
-Keep the suface wet to avoid scratching the cars
paint and if you hear any scratching noise or feel abraisions under the sand
paper stop and wet the paper and the car again.
-Don't push down to hard let the paper do the work
and change the paper often.
-use a squigie(rubber thingie u use to clean
windows) to dry the car and see you progress, If the the surface has no shine to
it and there is no texture you have taken the clear off of that section. With
your hand glide it along the surface to feel for dirt or texture left in the
clear coat.
-After you have done the whole car you are ready to
apply the clear coat, if you do not know how do this email the me or list
and I can give instructions or take the car to a professional.
Good luck,