Wellppp, about a month after I got it from Mike Potter (thank
you!), I finally got the bloody thing installed. Synopsis:
Part = $30
Labor installation = $28
Started the car = damn near peed my pants, the car wiggled so
bad. Mount settling, as it eventually got better (smoother)
Gunned the engine = insidious rattle that was coming from
under the car was now gone
Shifted into first gear and all the subsequent gears = no
resistance or grinding (reverse)
Engaged the clutch and pressed the accelerator = car took off;
I came to a rapid halt. I'm used to giving the car extra gas to get
going. Not with this thing! Be careful!
Humming engine = smooth sound, no rattle, very responsive,
Smile on my face = priceless :)
There are many things money or a credit card can buy...but
this experience was priceless :)