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Re: '85 questions
Hey i have a real good way to get locking lug nuts off.. take a 15/16
swocket i think if its to big try somthing smaller somthing that is just a
little smaller then the lug nut, has to be a 12 point, then hammer it on
there till it is very tight, then use a breaker bar on it and it should pop
off, tell me if that works
----- Original Message -----
From: Foxx (in a box) <foxxinabox@core.com>
To: scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 1:39 AM
Subject: '85 questions
> please note the "'" as i'm sure many of you'd have a heart attack if i
> did have 85 questions for you. as it is, the car in question is an '85.
> please help me with any info you can (you can even mail me directly, if
> you'd like).
> 1) i know there is no power-steering. so i have a belt going from my
> alternator to my compressor. from there i should have a belt going to
> what? the bottom of my water pump to the crankshaft? do i use the
> adjustment on the compressor to tighten/loosen the tension?
> 2) this one i need help on. i went in today and got an inner cv boot
> (drivers side, if it matters). brought it home, it was too small. took
> it back and the guy said i must have a 16v cv joint. thing is, afaik,
> this is the original trans and the 16v's didn't come around until '86.5.
> does anyone have any other explanation for this? (got the right cv boot,
> btw. twice the price, though.)
> 3) finally got the trans/clutch back on the car. stared up with no
> problems (though i still need to fix the vacuum leaks and the hole in
> the exhaust by the cat). however, while i was inside i noticed that i
> wasn't reading any rpm's. any ideas to why? the v-belts weren't tight,
> if it matters. everything else seemed fine, though.
> 4) i also tried out my rear wiper (my '86 doesn't have one, so i'm new
> at this), however it didn't work. from what i understood, you press
> forward on the wiper arm and the rear arm comes on. this was not the
> case. i plan to check the fuse, but are there any other poblems taht i
> should be aware of?
> 5) the car also has a moon roof (cool!) and the gasket looks in dire
> need of replacing. any other place to get on, other than the dealer, and
> for a reasonable price?
> 6) anyone know if the checked and/or striped cloth for the upholstery is
> made by anyone anymore?
> 7) anyone know how to get a locking lug off without the key? the car
> came with the wheels bolted on using four differnt lug bolts, one of
> which is locking. the tire needs to be changed and the wheel NEEDS to
> come off. i'll even consider drilling and burning the damn thing out if
> need be, but i'm looking for more...civilized answers.
> 8) the car is 'black' which is a dark charcoal gery colour. any
> suggestions on accenting colours? :)
> --
> /\_/\ Foxx (in a box)
> < o o > http://foxx.tripod.com
> \ /
> °
> --
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