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Re: Rebuilding the 2.0//final drives

THe AVX code gearbox from the 91 and 92 Eco Diesel Jettas (US only) had a
4.25 final drive, with a .75 fifth and a .90 fourth.

Unfortunately the pinion shaft gears are matched to the gears on the drive
shaft, so you would have to change the drive shaft gears as well if you
wanted to use the 4.25 C&P in a 16V gearbox.  Or you could just switch
over to the AVX gearbox (if you can find one...)

Somebody out there must have done it...?


84 Wolfsburg 'Roccin the Casbah

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Anthony Pelletier wrote:

> Hey Rich beat brett at his own game--go 4.25 final
> drive.  Now you have him beat by 8% or so torque on
> the road.  Does anyone on the list know if the 4.25
> final drive will bolt into a 16v gearbox without
> changing the other gears(other than a .75 5ht for the
> highway)?  I know it will be really low...
> Tony

Drew MacPherson, Network Analyst, University of Guelph

drew@dyermaker.cs.uoguelph.ca           |  visit the Massey-Harris page:
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