You should be able to just swap out the master cylinder and go. The e-brake will need to have the cables from the 16V if you are using the rear disks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sal Guzzo []
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 4:10 PM
To: GTI; Scirocco list; VW 16V; VW Club
Subject: Big Brake Conversion
As the time approaches to slap in the braking system into my Mk1 Rocco, I am
deciding whether or not to swap out the brake pedal cluster from the 16V
Scirocco into the Mk1. Do I need to swap the pedals or can I merely use the
the existing pedals? As well, does the e-brake need to be swapped or can I
use the stock Mk1 e-brake. Thanks
81 Scirocco S (16V to be)
81 Scirocco (motorless and directionless)
84 Rabbit (now Gti)
84 Scirocco Wolfsburg
67 Peugeot 404
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