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Re: Dashers?

If it is still running, it might be OK.
Dasher was THE car that gave VW the bad reputation in
the early 80's.  My dad bought one new in '81, and
owned it for 2 years.  Out of the 24 months it spent
18 of them at the dealership getting fixed.  After
that he refused to buy any other foreign cars, and
constantly taunts my choices of Hind-Wagens.

There is a reason you don't see many of them around
any more.  I think I have seen 3 in the last 4 years
that are still running.  I have seen about 15 in
junkyards.  Perfect bodies, but dead nontheless.

My .02

--- Ben Rogowski <bgr13@mn.rr.com> wrote:
> What do you guys know or think about Dashers?  I
> found an '81 Diesel Wagon
> for $950.  That's high, but the car is clean and
> runs well, and it'd make a
> neat companion for my '79 Scirocco.  I was thinking
> of offering $750 for it.
> I know I'm crazy, but I'd like your opinions as to
> how crazy I am.
> Thank you for your time.
> Ben R
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If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention.

87 Westfalia Gl
84 Scirocco 8v

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