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Re: Dashers?

>What do you guys know or think about Dashers?  I found an '81 Diesel Wagon
>for $950.  That's high, but the car is clean and runs well, and it'd make a
>neat companion for my '79 Scirocco.  I was thinking of offering $750 for it.
>I know I'm crazy, but I'd like your opinions as to how crazy I am.
>Thank you for your time.
>Ben R

If you're set on this idea...I've often toyed with the notion of tuning
a two door Fox Wagon.  I think they look pretty cool, and I've even
seen some 16v Fox conversions...has possibilities in my mind. :)

Dashers are pretty rare at this point in time, specific parts might be
a problem.  The rear suspension was pretty unique (being on the B1
chassis, which is the Euro Passat of that era). What would your plans be?


 \/  '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
\/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net

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