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Re: cutting out really bad...
chris wrote:
> when i pulled out in the new rocco it was running fine but when i put about
> the 15th mile i put on it it starting cutting out so bad it gave me
> whiplash. i had just put gas in it. all i could think was maybe bad fuel
> filter or or fuel pump clogged with shit, that hasnt been stirred up in 8
> years.
> if that sounds about right how much of a pain in the ass is swaping fuel
> filters or fuel pumps..
> chris
No problem at all really. The fuel pump or filter may be full of rusty
bits or other crap from sitting so long :( The filter (use Bosch) is up
in the engine bay, there are two sizes - (I think yours will fit the
large diameter one). Consider a faulty fuel pump relay, jumper 30 to 87
for a trail test.
The pump is up under the car back near the rear axle and tank. You'll
get gas in your face if your not careful, have a catch basin ready and
prepare to pinch off the line as you disconect it from the tank. Be
cautious, the stuff likes to catch fire, eh? :)
The other thing that might cause the funky behavior would be the hall
sensor connector, (be careful, don't snap it while investigating) or
other 'spark' related items. DOn't forget an air leak on the intake
system could also be your problem.
Daylight and some hands on might find an easy answer.
GL, Oh and you DO have a Bentley, right?
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