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Re: cold weather-no start- help
I recently had this happen with my starter. I replaced it and the problem
went away. It cranked slower and slower and slower. The battery was huge and
fully charged. Everything was perfect except the starter. HTH
>From: "Victor Farren" <vfarren@rrs.cdie.org>
>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: cold weather-no start- help
>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:36:59 -0500
>Here in MD its pretty cold, below freezing right now.
>Car (Scirocco 16v 1988, full tank of 93 octane gas)wasn't starting so
>I took the battery to get charged. Its got 770 Cold Cranking Amps
>right now b/c I just picked it up from getting charged at Trak Auto.
>I installed the battery, car still wouldn't start. It turns over, but
>won't start. Seems like its turning over too slow.
>I checked the resistance b/w the -ve battery post and the engine and
>got 0.00.
>Car has an additional ground going from -ve post to where the coil
>bolts to the chassy. Resistance from there measured 0.00.
>Car also has ground runing from -ve post to alternator housing case.
>I made sure all connections were tight, car still wouldn't start.
>The thing is, the car WILL start when the weather is warm.
>Any ideas? I do still have the oil I had during the summer/fall
>(20W50). Could this be keeping the engine from turning over fast
>enough???? Water in the fuel lines that has frozen???
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Chris DeLong
Seattle, WA USA
'80 16V Rag
'65 Bus (ugly, but good for campin' W/toaster oven)
'82 GLI (with a severely mangled trunk lock thanks to the fucking thieves!)
'80 'Vert
'61 17 Window
'78 Scirocco
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