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Re: Capitol Caper 2000, was Sac bbq tomorrow
I'm bringing my digital camera, and I'm planning to post some on my Scirocco
site. For those who don't know, it's...
--Craig Williams
1981 SciroccoS 1.8 16V (soon to be 2.0+)
1987 Jetta GLI 16V (Daily Driver)
1991 Passat Wagon 2.0 16V (For the Wife)
> If you could, could you caption some of them? We on the east coast
> only know who Shawn and Potterman by sight (and that's way too easy)
> are because they're the only two that have ever ventured here in
> person.
> I'm sure there's enough websavvy people here that can help if you
> personally don't know enough HTML to do it.......we like looking at
> pix, we just like knowing what we're looking at.
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