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Re: RoadStar, ND Show and a New Car

> Hello all Roadstars!,
> I spoke to Shawn and he wants to go.  :  )
> We still need to work out some details on the air fair but it looks good for
> Shawn.
> Eric I wish you were going but I understand.

Yeah, I wish I was going too, but next year will be MUCH better for me.  I
AM planning on comming to ND though, but mostlikely in the Golf as I doubt
I will have a running rocco.  But hey at least I will bet there, ya know?

> Dirk I got the pictures of the car and it looks great! You got a great deal.
> We should see if any more US folks want to go but it looks like both
> Sciroccos
> will be on the road. Dirk is the greatest.
> BTW can we use the Talkabout radios in Germany?
> I could send you a radio to check it out. We would like to use them on the
> road.
> This will be a great trip!!!!! To bad Eric wont be going.

Yeah, rub it in! :-)


PS- Dirk, I am REALLY sorry.  I wish that I didn't have to change plans,
but I am just a auto parts delivery guy right now! 

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