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RE: powdercoating anyone?????????
> also I am not really farmiliar with powdercoat is it
> possible to get a close match to the tornado red of the car?
You can get powder in virtually any color you want... for a price. There
are a lot (hundreds?) of distributor stocked colors, and it can be custom
mixed to spec. There's probably a stock color available that would closely
match. It all comes down to how much you want to spend...
I talked to my powder coater and he said it's just not worth his time to do
the one and two piece jobs for John Doe. If you find a local powder coater
that will run parts using a color they stock at the same time they a running
a large job (meaning, no special setup - cash), you should get a decent
price. Otherwise, in most cases, you'll get told no, or pay a fortune.
The "do-it-yourself kit" might be worth investigating. I'll just keep on
good terms so they'll take care of me *grin* :)
Greg :)
Gregory Davis 1985 Euro-spec Scirocco
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