- To: "dsrtwnd16v%aol.com" <dsrtwnd16v@aol.com>
- Subject: VW for sale
- From: "Dan W May" <Dan.W.May@aexp.com>
- Date: 09 Feb 2000 12:17:18 -0700
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---------------------- Forwarded by Dan W May on 02/09/2000 02:16 PM
From: Dave A Scott on 02/09/2000 02:09 PM
To: Dan W May@AMEX
Subject: VW for sale
Know anybody interested in '91 GTi w/ the way-hot 2.0 Liter multi-valve? It's
red, has recarro seats, K&N filters, Boge Shocks and struts, fancy exhaust
(can't remember the name), MOMO shifter head, and quick as a scalded dog.
It's my brother's and they're asking $5K. It's got 150K on it.
If you can think of anybody, give them my number here at work...668-5995 or at
home 764-2669.