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RE: Re(social) call to arms

--- Ellen Northam <n3745n@yahoo.com> wrote:
> To a certain extent, Daun (and perhaps Jim) know my
> abilities better than myself . . . .  
But if
> we are talking skill,  spot landings come to mind.

Hmmm - sounds like a challenge if I ever heard one.  :)

> frankly haven't pitted my ability against another
> driver unless you're talking about sheer will on
> Chicago highways, in which case I kick butt

The 2nd time I was ever in a Scirocco was with Ellen in her
old '81.  We were still in high school, I had gone to
Chicago to visit for the weekend.  The one thing I remember
clearly was hitting 294 northbound - instantly the '85 mph
speedo needle was pegged and hardly wavered 'til we exited
the highway.  And then there was that insanely twisty road
in the middle of the night...

No wonder I wound up buying a 'roc for myself within' a

Maybe a
> poker run could be arranged for the weekend as well


Daun Yeagley
'80 Scirocco S, 
'82 Pickup
'85 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v
'91 Passat
"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin

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