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compression questions
ok, so we know that you need a lower compression motor to safely turn up
boost. but is there some kind of formula that you can follow that states
that X pounds of boost is okay with an engine that has a compression of Y:1?
just for the sake of argument, lets say that i want to crank my boost
pressure up to 30lbs. (for a day at the track, mind you, not daily driving)
how can i figure out what will work without blowing up my motor? TDIs have
a CR of 23:1 or something insane like that. what's their secret?
also, i have a decked and ported/polished head on my motor. would i be
able to lower the compression for a current (assumed) 11:1 by using dished
pistons? someone mentioned that option to me recently. maybe with dished
pistons and a copper gasket, or an O-ringer block, i might be able to do
such a thing.
what say you, people?
the mad bastard
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