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Re: Really bright tailights?
> anyone have any idea were to get a couple inexpensive Super bright bulbs for
> (turn signals, brake lights, and parking lights)
> no were around here sells them, and i am getting tired of having people
> almost rearend me because they cant see my lights(blacked out lenses)
rocky mountain motorworks <http://www.motorworks.com> have a halogen
quartz brake light conversion for $36.95. the part number is 97703. i
don't know how well these would perform, but it might be a solution to
what you're doing.
on another note, what year taillights do you have? i've noticed that
my '85 taillights were much darker than my '86 taillights. perhaps you
could also change tailights and tint them for cheaper. just an idea.
/\_/\ Foxx (in a box)
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