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Re: mad clunking noise
hmm. if it's your wheel on the strut, then pop the wheel off the hub
and look at the strut. if there's a wear-mark, then maybe that is your
problem. but i'm about 99% sure that if you're rubbing, you'll not hear it.
you'll smell it (maybe, if it's a big enuff contact patch), or at least
you'l feel the car pull a bit to one side.
i might have to go with jason arms on this one, thinking that it might
be a bearing.
jack the car up on the side you are talking about without loosening up
the wheel, and (picturing the face of a clock) place your hands at the 12/6
position, and see if the hub moves a little. then repeat for the 9/3
position. just move it a little. if you're moving it with such
bzzzurnt-paully strength that you're turning both tires, then you're working
it too hard.
just move it enuff that you are isolating the effort to the wheel in
question. oh yeah, and don't ask that botch twat nige for help, cuz he'll
probably break something.....
see ya'll in a few days!!!
the mad bastard
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Maione <scirocco_16v@yahoo.com>
To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 2:22 AM
Subject: mad clunking noise
> Hey everyone.
> Ever since I got my new car there has been this
> "whirring" type noise coming from the front passanger
> side of the car when in motion around over 40 mp/h.
> Suddenly it's just gotten worse, especially when I
> make right turns. The CV is less than a month old. I
> just rencently change my power steering rack and I
> haven't gotten an alignment yet, could that have an
> effect? When I first swapped the suspension from my
> other car onto this one, I didn't get it aligned right
> away and it started to make a noise similar to this.
> It was the inside of the wheel rubbing on the strut
> tower. But my wheel is off only a bit, I don't know if
> this would make a difference.
> Any ideas?
> Wheel Bearing?
> =====
> Paul Maione
> 87 Scirocco 16v
> 86 Scirocco
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