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Re: WATERFEST thru the eyes of a mad bastard
At 12:25 AM -0400 8/3/00, the mad bastard wrote:
>riley and tania, and their 2 dogs, came along with us up to toronto.
>on the way, i was dying to settle some long-held disputes. so, we lined it
>up a couple of times on highway 81 and the truth has been found. of course,
>we ran in fifth, and we were side-by-side thru the whole thing. in
>fourth, i pulled on him slowly. then, a little later on, we tried it from
>third. riley, the sneaky little bugger, tricked me into upshifting into
>fourth, then jumped on it when i wasn't ready. so, i jammed third again,
>wound it out to 7000, nailed fourth, passed him, and gave him fifth for good
>measure. riley, i await your response. (it'll be a couple of days yet,
>since he and tania are still somewhere in ontario, and have at least another
>4 days of travelling ahead of them.
You fucker. Here's the real deal, for those who care:
Jay's Mk1 vs my Mk2 - first of all, I gave up roughly 500lb to him
considering the gear stuffed in the trunk, the 2 ppl, and the baseline
weight of my car. That being said, I'm making more power than him, with
better aero as an advantage at high speed. We didnt' race in 1st or 2nd,
as that would have been a foregone conclusion. 3rd gear was reasonably
close, although Jay was faster. 4th gear, surprisingly enough, was a joke.
My CHE tranny has a considerably taller 4th gear than whatever he has, and
he absolutely walked me if we started around 120kph. Disgusting!! 5th
gear was somewhat better but still, if we started around 3500rpm or so he
just strolled away from me. I wanted to do some real high speed stuff with
him, to try to negate my weight handicap, but the cops in upstate NY seemed
to be waiting in the bushes over every rise, around every corner. Alas, it
never happened...
>a result, he didn't have his licence on him, cuz the cop forgot to give it
>back. so the officer asked him for the old ticket instead! hehe.
>consistency is the key, my friend.
I was lucky. Could have been tossed in the slam for that one, if the cop
was any less cool than he was (I was doing 200, easy, to catch the lead
guys in our group). He told me that should I choose to settle the ticket,
I should contact this address. Like fuck I'm going to settle the ticket,
and he knew it, so he basically just told me to have a nice day.
>all in all, it was a fantastic time. if anyone reading this has
>ever thought about going to waterfest but couldn't see a point in going,
>then let me stress to you that this show is the best we have in north
>america. the people rock, and the cars are awesome. what more do you need?
>come on down in 2001, you won't regret it.
Stay tuned for my monster post.... I enjoyed reading yours, Jay! Enjoyed
the weekend too, immensely. Congrats to Ben, by the way, for taking home
the 3rd place honors in Scirocco Modified. There were cars there that
looked better, and there were cars there that were faster, but Ben deserved
it more than we did. He did a great job on his car this year, and I think
the judges recognized it!
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