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Re: Who is Treffen bound? & a head Q
I will consider driving down there, but won't know for sure until that
weekend (I have this problem with commitment....)
But alas, I no longer own any VW's so will either take my truck or maybe if
it's a nice day I'll bring the motorcycle
When is it again? Next weekend?
Jasin, you want me to bring my truck and trailer in case your car gets
scared on a trip that long?? I won't charge you *too* much to drag it
home... ;)
As for your valves, as long as they appear to seat correctly they should be
fine. If the stems got bent there would be a gap between the valve and it's
seat. Intake valves are usually the ones to get it when the belt goes...
lotsa stuff
>Its been awhile since the subject has been brought up so I thought I would
>get a last week headcount . Also wondering where you guys and gals are
>staying and if there is a little pre show gathering .
>My car is down for the moment with a toothless timing belt but I pulled the
>head and as far as I can tell there was no interference . Is there a way to
>be sure without pulling the valves to see if there was any bendage ?
> I hope no damage occurred so I can finally bring my car to a show thats
>further than 25 miles from me and besides I wanted to show Daun since I
>missed his place .
>I wanted to park next to his black S for a comparison .
>16v S
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